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Parent-Infant Guidance Classes


RIE Certified Parent-Infant Guidance classes encourage babies to be attentive, active, exploring and aware of self and others. Designed to encourage children to become authentic and responsible from an early age, Parent-Infant Guidance classes help parents to be confident in their supportive role towards this great discovery.


Classes run continuously until the children are about two-years-old: Classes cover a variety of topics that are relevant to the childrens’ current stage of development. As the children grow, the topics change. At first it is often about sleeping and feeding, then about motor skills, then about eating and table manners, then about peer-to-peer interactions. Whatever is relevant in the lives of the families at any given point in time is what gets discussed; and the Facilitator helps guide the discussion and shares how the RIE approach can be applied.

Classes meet once a week for 90 minutes: Facilitated by a RIE Associate, small groups of parents and babies come together in a relaxing, infant-friendly environment to take pleasure in the infants’ unfolding development and play. The classes are designed to support the way adults learn, which is through repetition over time. Learning new behaviors takes time and practice, and the Facilitator helps model behavior during class.

The Hollywood Studio is located at:
6720 Melrose Avenue, 2nd floor
Los Angeles CA 90038

Classes are limited to 8 infants and their parents. Whenever possible, infants are grouped according to their stages of development.

Topics for Discussion Often Include

  • Age-appropriate expectations
  • The importance of play in children’s learning
  • Balancing parents’ and children’s needs and wants
  • Establishing clear, consistent, and appropriate limits
  • Adapting the home environment as baby grows


Although the classes are designed to last until the children are about two-years-old, we bill on a monthly basis. While most families find the classes to be helpful and informative and therefore stay until the two-year-mark, families are free to stop classes at any time at the end of a cycle.

The monthly fee is $205. Each month has between 4-5 classes (depending on holidays and how many weeks are in a month).

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If you would like to learn more about classes in Hollywood, please contact:

Melissa Coyne at
(626) 354-5210

or email us at

Or, if you are ready to sign up:

65 S Grande Avenue, Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 345-5210