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Eating & Table Manners

Whether during nursing, bottle feeding, lap feeding solids, or actual family meals, Educaring offers many helpful suggestions to make eating a positive experience for everyone. In our RIE Parent-Infant Classes, families get to observe the facilitator serving a healthy snack to the group when they are all ready to sit independently.

The facilitator prepares all the elements she will need (food, drink, glasses, washcloths, bibs) so that when she sits down to serve, she can give her undivided attention to the toddlers. At first, there is a little chaos, but with the parents’ help, as the children become used to the discipline of the routine (have hands washed, put on bib, stay seated and at the table while eating), they develop a sense of order and self-control that is easily applied to family meals.

We offer very small portions, and if he is still hungry, he will ask for more. He is not made to feel that he is eating to please the adult. Based upon trust in the child, this “ask-for-more” approach allows the child to feel totally in control of how much he or she wants to eat.

Meals are important daily social events for families, and experienced RIE parents are often asked how their children are so calm and well-behaved at restaurants. Children thrive with clear and consistent limits and age-appropriate expectations. Helping families enjoy sharing food and the whole ritual of mealtime is just one of many topics covered during Parent Infant-Guidance Classes.

65 S Grande Avenue, Pasadena CA 91105
(626) 345-5210